www.faithHighway.com www.faithHighway.com is a media outreach/church growth company. Check out the site when you consider how to best promote and advertise your ministry. 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online magazine/website, started by Warren Wiersbe and Michael Catt, to build up the church, seek revival, and encourage pastors.
By Michael Catt The Revelation Of Jesus Christ To The Church At Smyrna: “What Comes Out Of You When You Are Squeezed?” Revelation 2:8-11 There are two universal languages: MUSIC SUFFERING “He Is Able” – My emotions run together in a flood of doubt and pain. We’ve prayed as best we can, now we must
"Obedience is the fruit of faith; patience, the bloom on the fruit." - Christina Rosetti, quoted in Streams in the Desert
"[Thomas More] was a friend of the king… but why did a man so utterly absorbed in his society, at one particular point disastrously part company with it? How indeed was it possible - unless there was some sudden aberration? But that explanation won't do, because he continued to the end to make familiar and confident use of society's weapons, tact, favor, and, above all, the letter of the law. For More.. the answer to this question would be perfectly simple (though again not easy); the English Kingdom, his immediate society, was subservient to the larger society of the Church of Christ, founded by Christ, extending over Past and Future, ruled from Heaven. There are still some for whom that is perfectly simple." - Robert Bolt in his preface to A Man for All Seasons
"It is our business to see that we do right; God will see that we come out right." - Donald Gray Barnhouse
"What I have found is that many of us know the Word of God, but we lack obedience to it. We go to church, hear sermon after sermon, but are educated way above the level of our obedience. We are not only to read God's Word, but we are to hide it in our hearts and become obedient to it." - John Maxwell
"Faith, if we are honest, sometimes seems like a candle in the rain, hissing for air…Right in the middle of our prayers; the baby cries, the thunder claps, the fury breaks…[But] the power of God comes to those who obey." - Bill Hybels in Descending into Greatness
"He did not call Abraham or any of us that we might be His pets, but that we might be His pattern." - Nelson Price, Pastor, Roswell Street Baptist Church, Marietta, Georgia
"When we have the feeling that on some occasion we have disobeyed God, it simply means that for a time we have ceased to desire obedience." - Simone Weil in Waiting for God
"He that hopes to find peace by trusting God must obey him." - Samuel Johnson in Sermons
"A truth not practiced is a truth not believed." - Source Unknown
"True knowledge of God is born out of obedience." - John Calvin
"It is difficult to follow God's guidance, if we are on rigid paths of our own." - Source Unknown
"When the heart's wrong, there can't be peace. Selfishness is a gangrene, eating at the very vitals. Sin is a cancer, poisoning the blood. Peace is the rhythm of our wills with Jesus' love - will. Disobedience breaks the music. Failure to keep in touch makes discord. The notes jar and grate. We have broken off. The peace can't get in. Jesus made peace by his blood. We get it only by keeping in full touch with him." - S. D. Gordon in The Bent-Knee Time
3-year-old, Reese: “Our Father, Who does art in Heaven, Harold is His name. Amen.” A little boy was overheard praying: “Lord, if you can’t make me a better boy, don’t worry about it. I’m having a real good time like I am.” A Sunday school class was studying the Ten Commandments. They were ready to
Jesus’ Dad’s Name A Sunday school teacher asked her class, “What was Jesus’ mother’s name?” One child answered, “Mary.” The teacher then asked, “Who knows what Jesus’ father’s name was?” A little boy said, “Verge.” Confused, the teacher asked, “Where did you get that?” The kid said,”Well, you know they are always talking about Verge
Some people are kind, polite and sweet-spirited… Until you try to sit in their pews. Many folks want to serve God…! But only as advisers. It is easier to preach ten sermons… Than it is to live one. The good Lord didn’t create anything without a purpose… Ticks and chiggers come close. Opportunity may knock
Bill Gates’ Speech To Mt.Whitney High School in Visalia,CA. To anyone with kids of any age, here’s some advice Bill Gates recently gave a speech at a High School about 11 things they did not and will not learn in school. He talks about how feel-good, politically correct teachings created a generation of kids with
300 Striking Stories for Speakers, Preachers and Teachers – Graham H. Twelftree. Monarch Books. A good resource for the quote book and illustration section of your library. All illustrations are fully indexed by scripture and theme making it easy to use. This book includes the stories from two earlier books, Drive the Point Home and
– Don and Jan Frank. NavPress. Drs. Les and Leslie Parrot write, ‘What a terrific book! The Franks have provided us with the positive tools for excavating our past so that we might live more fully in the present.’ Pastor’s and Pastor’s wives need to (a) know good resources to recommend to their people and
– Mark Buchanan. Multnomah. The author says, “In my early twenties, God ambushed me. I was a more-or-less happy agnostic, with very little background or temperament to explain what happened next. But into the midst of that, God stepped- fierce and tender and not to be trifled with – and he thundestruck me, and ever
– Lawrence W. Farris. Eerdmans. I wish this one had been in print when I started in ministry. Ten practical steps and pitfalls to avoid in a new congregation. We tend to see ourselves as world changers, but we must take care that we don’t violate the culture of a church in our zeal. The
– Brownson, Dietterich, Harvey and West. Eerdmans. I like this book for gaining insight in dealing with the culture wars. How to live out the gospel in a self centered, me is all that matters world. 129 pages well worth reading. 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online magazine/website, started by Warren Wiersbe and Michael Catt, to build