The website of Evangelist Steve Hale from Woodstock, Georgia. 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online magazine/website, started by Warren Wiersbe and Michael Catt, to build up the church, seek revival, and encourage pastors.
by Vance Havner John 17:6-19 We are saved out of this world (v. 6).We are still in this world (v. 11).We are not of this world (vv. 14, 16).We are sent into the world (v. 18) to win others out of the world–and that is our only business in the world! 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online
"Lord, send Your Holy Spirit in power that we might not be a dead church, striving to look alive, pretending to function as though alive, while the life is actually gone." - A.W. Tozer
"If revival is being withheld from us it is because some idol remains still enthroned; because we still insist in placing our reliance in human schemes; because we still refuse to face the unchangeable truth that 'It is not by might, but by My Spirit.'" - Jonathan Goforth
"Revivals begin with God’s own people. Oh, what responsibility this lays on the children of God. If you grieve Him away from yourselves or hinder His visit, then the poor perishing world suffers sorely." - Andrew Bonar
"Urgently do we need a revival of personal godliness. Sanctified men are the salt of society…" - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
"What we need now is a revival of holiness. A revival of character. A revival of people who are utterly selfless and prepared to lay their lives on the altar for God." - Leonard Ravenhill
Charles G. Finney described revival as "a new beginning of obedience to God."
E. M. Bounds wrote, "Revivals are among the charter rights of the church…A revival means a heartbroken pastor. A revival means a church on its knees confessing its sins--the sins of the individual and of the Church--confessing the sins of the times and of the community."
In 1870 J.B. Johnston wrote, "True revival lives in prayer. Prayer draws power from revival. We need only to follow the way-marks of their remarkable history to be satisfied of their inseparable unity."
Inside the minds of holiday-only attenders. John Huffman, Jr.October 1, 1999 Every pastor encounters them: the Christmas and Easter faces that appear in church only on the holiest of days. It’s easy to grow cynical about the once-or-twice-a-year crowd. On the other hand, holidays provide the opportunity to touch the lives of the “under-churched.” John
(Source: The Barna Update, February 20, 2006. Appeared in On Mission, Summer 2007) Most professing born-again adults are confused about the concept of holiness. When asked to describe what it means to be holy here’s how they responded: 21% I don’t know19% Being Christlike18% Making faith your top priority10% Having a good attitude about people
My Trophy from AlaskaMichael Catt In January I had the privilege of speaking to about 250 pastors and their wives in Alaska. Terri and I made our first trip to the state and were blown away by the cold, the beauty and the people. It was a trip we will always cherish. If you would
(Taken from American Preachers of To-Day by Edgar DeWitt Jones, 1933) It has been said that the world knows little of her greatest men, an aphorism that contains frgments of truth. i would paraphrase the sentence to read “the world knows nothing of some of her greatest preachers”–men of genius who for one reason or
– Tom Sine. Likewise Books (IV Press). “Where is the church headed in the twenty-first century?Who are the folks out there making a difference?What is God doing in this broken world and how can you join him? Tom Sine, long recognized as an authority on global trends and Christian response, can answer all these questions
– Robert K. Spradling and Warren W. Wiersbe. Discovery House Publishers. “A season without a pastor can be challenging for any congregation, but with solid leadership and a strong Pastoral Search Committee, it can be a time of great growth as well. In The Lost Shepherd, experienced pastors and Bible teachers Robert Spradling and Warren Wiersbe
It was the bottom of the seventh inning, and the bases were loaded with two outs. My son’s little league team was winning by three runs. All they needed was one more out and the game was over. The batter promptly swats the ball into centerfield in the direction of my son. If he comes
This is a year of change. There will be a new President and perhaps a new party in the White House beginning in 2009. In the next few months we will elect a new leader of the free world. Whether he or she is able to do the job is yet to be seen. There