"I concede that we cannot better express ourselves than by humbly supplicating the Supreme Ruler of the World---That the rod of tyrants may be broken into pieces, and the oppressed made Free---That wars may cease in all the Earth, and that the confusions that are and have been among the Nations may be overruled for the promoting and speedily bringing on the holy and happy period, when the Kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ may be everywhere established, and all the people willingly bow to the Sceptre of Him who is the Prince of Peace."
- Governor Samuel Adams, calling Massachusetts to prayer in 1797
"We may not be responsible for all the things that happen to us, but we are responsible for the ways we react when they do happen."
- Unknown
"Choices are the hinge of destiny." - Edwin Markham
"It is never right to do wrong. It is never wrong to do right."- Robert Flatt
"Choices not chance determine your destiny." - Barbara Johnson"Choose to love rather than hate,
Choose to smile rather than frown,
Choose to build rather than destroy,
Choose to persevere rather than quit,
Choose to praise rather than gossip,
Choose to heal rather than wound,
Choose to give rather than grasp,
Choose to go rather than delay,
Choose to forgive rather than curse,
Choose to pray rather than despair."
- Unknown
In a May 2011 survey of more than 1,000 American adults, the overall majority said they favor or strongly favor allowing gay and lesbian couples to legally marry. Favor Oppose General Public 51% 43% No Religious Affiliation 77% 18% Catholic 56% 36% White Mainline 55% 39% Minority Christian 37% 57% White Evangelical 23%
An April report from The Nielsen Company on family and the media found: Hispanics are more likely than the average household to have cell phones with Internet (55 percent) and video (40 percent) capabilities. Hispanics also text more than any other race or ethnicity, sending an average of 943 texts per month. The average African-American
Renowned for engineering, Germany was ranked last in a funniest country survey by the social networking website, badoo.com. “Germans are brilliant at so many things, including making cars…unfortunately, telling jokes isn’t always one of them.” The 5 Least Funny Nations:1) Germany2) Russia3) Turkey4) United Kingdom5) United States 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online magazine/website, started by Warren
Jesus, the Middle Eastern Storyteller – Gary M. Burge. Zondervan. The new Ancient Context, Ancient Faith series explores the ancient stories of the Bible and shows us how to look at them through new lenses. Each volume features full color photography and maps and draws upon the very best biblical scholarship, archaeology, and the traditions
The Quest for Life at Its Best – Eugene Peterson. Formatio. In a series of profound reflections on the life of Jeremiah the prophet, Eugene Peterson explores the heart of what it means to be fully and genuinely human. His writing is filled with humor and self-reflection, insight and wisdom, helping to set a
Written by: Bill Elliff There are only two times recorded in the scripture when Jesus was amazed and both of them deal with someone’s response of faith. Luke 7 record’s the interchange between Jesus and a Centurion (a Roman leader over 100 men) who had a dying slave and sent for Jesus. When Christ was
I can’t remember when I was first introduced to Oswald Chamber’s devotional book, “My Utmost for His Highest.” I do recall that it had all the clarity of sanctified hieroglyphics. I found out later that it had been compiled as a labor of love by his wife, following his death in 1917. She took her
In his book What God Wants to Know, author Bruce Larson tells about being at a family reunion and hearing a true and humorous story from his daughter. Her sister-in-law is a conservationist who actively promotes the preservation of the natural environment and wildlife. While she, her husband, and young son were driving up the
I’m a tweeter. I look at Twitter as more than the mundane “I had lunch at…” and “Here I am sitting by the pool (a sight you really don’t want to see)…” Most of my tweets are related to the culture, preaching, revival, or churches. Some are biting. A few, I try to use a
Last month I asked two question in our prayer inventory based on Ephesians 3:14-21. The first question was, “Why am I praying?” Paul said, “For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father.” We discovered that “cause” spelled out at the end of chapter 2–it’s the building of the Church. When you and I