Loneliness is becoming a real problem today in spite of the population explosion and in spite of all the media available. Loneliness is that feeling deep down inside that nobody thinks about you or cares about you. Loneliness is not the same as solitude. Solitude is good for us; it helps to build us up.
In the last issue, we covered twelve lessons I’ve learned in going through a 10 million dollar building program. In addition, we’ve purchased over a dozen homes around the church and had two major renovations. What follows will be the final seven lessons. There are more, but I’m too tired from building and raising money
– Jane Rubietta. InterVarsity. A book on the flip side of pastoral care – caring for the pastor. This is a good book for you to pass along to your friends in the church, helping them to understand what you face. Recommended by Jill Briscoe, Ray Pritchard, David and Karen Mains. 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online
A Task for Mainline Congregations – Ben Campbell Johnson and Glenn McDonald. Eerdmans. The greatest problem facing mainline churches today is not declining members, shifting social allegiances or confused leadership. It is loss of vision. If you pastor or serve a mainline church, you need to read this book today. 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online magazine/website,
– Alistair Begg. Moody. A very important book in light of our postmodern, post Christian culture. Charles Colson recommends the book and says, “We have entered into a time of moral crisis in our culture and in the church as well. Stories about divorce, adultery, and the individualized picking and choosing of doctrines about. Pathway
– Ron Mehl. Multnomah. What’s Wrong? What’s Right? Some say, ‘It all depends.’ That’s not what God’s Word says. God has given us gracious guidelines for living. He has not stuttered. Written by the author of God Works the Night Shift and Just in Case I Can’t Be There both powerful books regarding God’s grace.
Jesus Talks with Oscar Wilde on the Pursuit of Pleasure – Ravi Zacharias. Multnomah. Oscar Wilde openly defied the mores of Victorian society. His writings reflect an attitude still with us, ‘If it feels good, do it!’ The author uses an imaginary dialogue where Wilde asks Jesus to respond to questions about life choices. An
– Joseph M. Stowell. Multnomah. Only 86 pages, but filled with reminders of why we need to seek the touch, the presence of Jesus. Sometimes, in ministry we are so busy doing the work of ministry that we forget the person we are working for. This little book will help you bring your life into
Easy Steps to Presenting an Unforgettable Story – John Walsh. Moody. All of us are called on to share stories and illustrations. The problem is, often we don’t know how to best relate a story or we don’t use the story in the best possible way. Whether you are beginning to speak or are a
Do All Things Really Work for Good? – R. C. Sproul A solid resource on the Providence of God. Sproul writes, ‘There is no ‘what if?’ in God.’ As Joseph said, ‘You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good.’ 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online magazine/website, started by Warren Wiersbe and Michael Catt, to
– Richard Mayhue & Robert Thomas, General Editors. Kregel. A helpful resource on defining our responsibilities as pastors and shepherds. Clearly stating the biblical pattern for New Testament leaders, this book will bless you and remind you of your holy calling. 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online magazine/website, started by Warren Wiersbe and Michael Catt, to build
– Tommy Nelson. Broadman & Holman Publishers. An indepth study of Ecclesiastes. If you haven’t preached through Ecclesiastes, you should. It reads as if it were written in 21st century America. Buy this book as a new resource for your study. 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online magazine/website, started by Warren Wiersbe and Michael Catt, to build