Essential Christian

This is a great resource site of CDs and cassettes by Keswick speakers including John Stott, Alexander Begg and others. 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online magazine/website, started by Warren Wiersbe and Michael Catt, to build up the church, seek revival, and encourage pastors. […]

The Active Christian Life

by Vance Havner “All things are mine. . .Come” (Matthew 11:26).“All things are mine. . .Believe” (John 3:35, 36).“All things are mine. . .Go” (Matthew 28:16-20). 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online magazine/website, started by Warren Wiersbe and Michael Catt, to build up the church, seek revival, and encourage pastors. […]

Ron Dunn’s Interview with Manley Beasley (Part 1)

Ron Dunn: One of the first times, if not the first time, I heard you speak was in Philadelphia at the Convention back in ’72, and the first words you said have always stuck with me. The first thing you said was, “Folks, God won’t hurt you.” Do you remember that? Manley Beasley: Yes sir. RD: What I […]

"I would rather excel others in the knowledge of what is excellent than in the extent of my power and domination." - Alexander the Great

"The test of the artist does not lie in the will with which he goes to work, but in the excellence of the work he produces." - Thomas Aquinas

"It is the characteristic excellence of the strong man that he can bring momentous issues to the fore and make a decision about them. The weak are always forced to decide between the alternatives they have not chosen themselves." - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

"Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence." - Vince Lombardi

"If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude." - Colin Powell


"Sometimes I think the whole Christian world is made up of just two groups: those who speak their faith and accomplish significant things for God, and those who criticize and malign the first group." - Don Basham, "On the Tip of My Tongue," New Wine (June 1986). Christianity Today, Vol. 30, No. 12.


Politics in the Pulpit

In the past five years, pastors have… 63%   Included in a sermon biblical principles that guide voting decisions (without specific endorsements)50%   Through the church offered non-partisan voting guides to its people47%   Communicated support for a particular candidate outside the pulpit41%   Have not communicated political views in the pulpit36%   Communicated support for a political party outside […]

Email Forwards

FOR THOSE WHO ARE ALWAYS GETTING FORWARDS FROM FRIENDS… Have you ever wondered why your friends keep forwarding jokes without writing a word? When you are very busy, but still want to keep in touch, guess what you do? You forward jokes. When you have nothing to say, but still want to keep contact, you forward jokes. When you have something […]

Volume 07, Issue 15

Prepare for Rainby Michael Catt  Follow the story of Pastor Michael Catt and his congregation as the Lord changes a “typical Southern Baptist church” into a ministry center that reaches thousands and has even challenged the Hollywood establishment with the locally produced, nationally syndicated movie, Facing the Giants. “Does God still do the impossible when we […]

The Five Smooth Stones

The Five Smooth Stones: Essential Principles for Biblical Ministry – Robertson McQuilkin. B&H Books. McQuilkin focuses on a “core group of ministry principles” including:-The Bible, making it the functional authority-The Congregation, aligning it with the biblical purposes-The Spirit, releasing his energizing power-The Plan of Redemption, the mission of every disciple-The Lord Jesus, the model of […]

Logged On and Tuned Out

Logged On and Tuned Out: A Nontechie’s Guide to Parenting a Tech-Savvy Generation – Vicki Courtney. B&H Books. “Logged On and Tuned Out” is a timely wake-up call to low-tech [tuned out] parents whose high-tech [logged on] kids use modern computer and cell phone techonolgy like second nature. In simple languge, moms and dads overwhelmed by […]

A Western Jesus

A Western Jesus: The Wayward Americanization of Christ and the Church – Mike Minter. B&H Books. “A Western Jesus speaks to the western world’s tendency to read God’s Word through the rose-colored glasses of a society that knows little persecution, risk or sacrifice. Indeed, modern life lends itself to self-invovlement, making it easier to overdomesticate the […]

Are You Full?

Perhaps you have heard the illustration about an expert on time management who walked into a classroom and gave a powerful visual illustration on the importance of priorities. He lifted a one-gallon, wide-mouthed Mason jar and set it on a table in front of him. He placed fist-sized rocks into the jar until no more […]

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