In 2008, LifeWay endorsed this website to offer background screenings for churches and religious organizations at discounted prices. Through LifeWay’s OneSource program churches and religious organizations can receive discounts on background screenings for their camp counselors, bus drivers, staff, volunteers and others. 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online magazine/website, started by Warren Wiersbe and Michael Catt,
"The unexamined life is not worth living." - Socrates
"One of the most difficult places in the world to be Christ-like is in your own homes. There are reasons for this. First, the closeness of family living often brings out the worst in us as well as the best. Secondly, we occasionally feel a need of "letting our hair down." Where might this be done? We choose not to do it at work or in the marketplace or in the school. Usually we choose the home. And we take each other for granted in the home. That has a positive and a negative. On the positive side, it's a good thing when your behavior, your disposition, and your dependability are such that others can rely on you and can "take you for granted." But it's a sad thing when this taken-for-grantedness disregards our feelings, our needs, our ideals, and our ambitions. Perhaps the home is one of the most difficult places to display Christ-likeness, but there is no place in all of life that needs it more than does the family." - Jerry Hayner
When Tithe Doesn’t Mean Tenth (Christianity Today, February 2011) The average percentage of income given to churches: 19682.45% Congregational Finances0.66% Special Offerings3.11% Total 19852.11% Congregational Finances0.48% Special Offerings2.59% Total 20082.08% Congregational Finances0.35% Special Offerings2.43% Total 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online magazine/website, started by Warren Wiersbe and Michael Catt, to build up the church, seek revival, and
How much of each denomination’s church dollar goes to international ministries? 11 cents: Christian and Missionary Alliance6 cents: Church of the Nazarene; General Association of General Baptists4 cents: Seventh-day Adventists, North America; The Wesleyan Church; Presbyterian Church in America2 cents: Southern Baptist Convention; The United Methodist Church1 cent: Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod; Christian Church (Disciples of
Americans gave $303.75 billion in 2009, according to Giving USA. Three-quarters of it came from individuals. Here’s where the money went: 33% Religion13% Education10% Gifts to Grantmaking Foundations10% Unallocated Giving09% Human Services08% Public-Society Benefit07% Health04% Arts, Culture, and Humanities03% International Affairs02% Environment/Animals01% Foundation Grants to Individuals 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online magazine/website, started by Warren Wiersbe
True Spirituality in a Culture of Counterfeits – Vaughan Roberts. IVP Books. What does it mean to be a truly spiritual Christian? . . . None of us wants to miss out on all that God is doing, so our ears prick up when we hear of some movement, teaching or personality claiming to offer
Renewing Ministry for and by Seniors – James M. Houston & Michael Parker. IVP Academic. Are we ready for the opportunities and challenges facing the aging church? Now is the time for the church to offer ministry to its increasing numbers of seniors and to benefit from ministry they can offer. In this book James
Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another. Ephesians 4:25 Paul, true to form, starts Ephesians with a doctrinal statement of what God has done for us in Christ (Chapters 1-3) and follows that with the practical implications (Chapters 4-6).
“Do not let your heart envy sinners, but live in the fear of the Lord always. Surely there is a future and your hope will not be cut off.” — Proverbs 23:17-18 Thirty years ago, Dana and I rebranded our singles ministry in the city of Houston with the logo, “SINGLEHEARTED: Marked by Sincerity and
During the 1920’s, Arthur Berry was considered the world’s most famous jewel thief. However, Berry’s notoriety was not due to the fact he was a thief, but because of his rather ingenious, bold style of only stealing from the elite rich and only taking high class jewels. Known as a “Gentleman thief,” Berry was always
A little boy was sitting in church one day when the offering plate passed by. He didn’t have any money, so he tore off a piece of the sermon note page and wrote, “I give myself.” I’m not sure how much was given in cash and checks that day, but that little boy gave the