by Michael Catt 1 Thessalonians 1:3 I. What Is Love According to God’s Word? Four basic words for love in the Greek:1) Eros2) Storge3) Philia4) Agape II. The Evidence of Love in Paul, the Thessalonians and, Prayerfully, in Us A) God’s kind of love is tenacious. (Matthew 5; Galatians 6; 1 Peter 1:22; 1 Thessalonians
"Human nature being what it is, the man of God may soon adopt an air of constant piety and try to appear what the public thinks he is. The fixed smile and hollow tones of the professional cleric are too well known to require further mention.
All this show of godliness, by the squeeze of circumstances and through no fault of the man himself, may become a front behind which the man hides, a plaintive, secretly discouraged and lonely soul. Here is no hypocrisy, no intentional double living, no actual desire to deceive. The man has been mastered by the circumstances. He has been made the keeper of other people's vineyards but his own vineyard has not been kept. So many demands have been made upon him that they have long ago exhausted his supply. He has been compelled to minister to others while he himself is in desperate need of a physician."- A. W. Tozer
Pastoral Ministry
"There is no magic in small plans. In ministry I think of the world. Anything less would not be worthy of Christ." - Henretta Meirs
The 6 Kinds of Hard-Times Seekers The Broken seek HEALINGThe Lost seek GUIDANCEThe Lonely seek INTIMACYThe Anxious seek ASSURANCEThe Victimized seek JUSTICEThe Trapped seek TRANSFORMATION by Tom Bandy 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online magazine/website, started by Warren Wiersbe and Michael Catt, to build up the church, seek revival, and encourage pastors.
Non-Christian religions can lead to eternal life, said: 47% of white evangelicals49% of black protestants82% of white mainliners84% of white Catholics 2008 Pew Forum poll of US adults 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online magazine/website, started by Warren Wiersbe and Michael Catt, to build up the church, seek revival, and encourage pastors.
Being Good News People in a Bad News World – Michael Horton. Baker Books. “The follow-up to Horton’s recent Christless Christianity, The Gospel-Driven Life is written for those Christians who are burned out on hype and looking for hope. Too many Christians are in bondage to duty and despair. A recovery of the gospel is
Written by: Bill Elliff John 7:14-18 Every communicator of God’s Word who desires to grow must evaluate Himself by Christ’s earthly teaching. Living as a man, He was the perfect illustration of anointed preaching. If a man is merely interested in self glory, he will never evaluate by such a standard. But every sincere preacher
As a young preacher I often listened to Southern Gospel music on Sunday mornings while preparing to go to church. I listened to the Florida Boys, the Inspirations, the Happy Goodmans, and many others. I didn’t have many options back then—I think we got three channels on our black and white television.One song I remember
Scientists tell us that the Galeras volcano in Columbia, South America has been an active volcano for over 500,000 years. Most of the activity has been small eruptions leaving an occasional dusting of ash on nearby cities. However, after an explosion in 1993, an interesting discovery was made inside the volcano. Dr. Fraser Goff, a
We are living in a day our forefathers of the faith could not have imagined. In a nation founded largely by men who believed in God, it’s hard to explain the secularism of our society. Most historians of our day ignore the influence of the Puritans. They also refuse to even register the fact that
Pastors hurt because they care During our Lord’s three years of ministry, He sought to teach His disciples what they needed to know in order to carry on the work after His return to heaven. One of the most difficult lessons in the curriculum was the cultivation of a tender heart, and the record indicates