No, this is not a tirade against the world, the flesh and the Devil, although, if they are influencing your life, they can damage a good sermon in no time. My great concern is that we learn to recognize the hidden enemies of good preaching, enemies that constantly lurk around us in the study, in
What should a preacher be known for? What is the purpose of preaching? In a day with multimedia special effects, drama and major productions, preaching and preachers have fallen on hard times. Many churches have canceled Sunday evening services because people won’t come back to hear the preacher. With the glut of TV preachers, the
– Leroy Howe. Judson Press. A good resource for personal growth, short courses on anger management, and training for the ministry of lay pastoral care in Christian congregations. 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online magazine/website, started by Warren Wiersbe and Michael Catt, to build up the church, seek revival, and encourage pastors.
– Andrew Careaga. Kregel Publications. Today’s church faces the challenge of ministering to a generation dominated by instantaneous technology. How the church approaches the Net generation may well determine how this generation views God and Christianity. This resource looks at the use of on-line technology and gives counsel on avoiding the moral pitfalls 2ProphetU2ProphetU is
Theological Insights For the Presentation of Scripture – George Harris. Available through TIPS, 2220 N.W. Military Highway, San Antonio, TX 78213. This resource includes sermons on Christmas by Dr. George Harris, Dr. John Bisagno, Dr. W. A. Criswell, Dr. Jimmy Draper, Dr. Jerry Vines and Dr. Fred Wolfe. 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online magazine/website, started by
– D. W. Celeverly Ford. Preaching Series. Hendrickson Publishers. A collection of twenty-four sermons on the incarnate Christ covers all aspects of this difficult but central concept, making it accessible to the general Christian in a lively and readable manner. The author shows what teaching on the Incarnation safeguards and how firmly the Church rests
The Church’s Hidden Problem with Transfer Growth – William Chadwick Call it what you will, church shopping or church hopping, we all know the problem. It is a dangerous trend and deceives us into thinking we are impacting culture when actually we are only swapping sheep from one flock to another. While churches are becoming
– Nelson Price. Broadman & Holman. A preaching resource for the holiday season. Chapter titles include: God with us in History, God with us in Hedonism, God with us in Harmony, God with us in Holocaust, God with us in Heartache, God with us in Holiness, God with us in Honor. Dr. Price is the
– Dr. John Phillips. The John Phillips Commentary Series. Kregel is now publishing Dr. John Phillips commentaries. These commentaries are designed to provide pastors and teachers with doctrinally sound interpretation that emphasizes the practical application of Bible truth. Moody Magazine writes, “John Phillips writes with enthusiasm and clarity….cutting through the confusion and heretical dangers associated
– Dr. Stephen Olford. Kregel Publications. For many of us, preaching on stewardship and giving is difficult. Dr. Olford presents a truly biblical perspective on the reasons for giving, the discipline of giving and the motivation for giving. 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online magazine/website, started by Warren Wiersbe and Michael Catt, to build up the church,
– James Montgomery Boice. Christian Focus Publications. The most important events in history – the birth, life and death of Jesus of Nazareth – were foretold and chronicled throughout Scripture. From the first promise in the Garden of Eden, the author takes us through the amazing accuracy of the prophecies. 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online magazine/website,
The Religious World of Civil War Soldiers – Steven E.Woodworth. University Press of Kansas. If you are into history or a student of the Civil War, this book will provide interesting reading. The Civil War not only pitted brother against brother but also Christian against Christian, with soldiers from North and South alike devoutly believing