“Thoughts belong to everybody,” said Charles Haddon Spurgeon. “I must not wonder that other people steal my thoughts, since I have stolen so many of other people’s. For my part, I beg, borrow, and steal from every conceivable quarter, but when I steal a man’s coat, I tear it all to pieces and make a
From the day I was born, until the day I went off to college, my home address was 1414 Lafayette Ave., Pascagoula, Mississippi. My parents lived in the same house for nearly fifty years. After dad died, we sold the house. For the first time in fifty years, the house is not owned by a
"This world has no importance. Once a man realizes that, he wins freedom." - Camus
"If liberty is to be saved, it will not be by the doubters, the men of science or the materialists; it will be by religious conviction, by the faith of individuals, who believe that God wills man to be free but also pure." - Samuel Taylor Coleridge
"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing freeness of speech." - Ben Franklin
"The soul of freedom is deathless; it cannot, and will not perish." - Winston Churchill
"No man can follow Christ and go astray." - William H. P. Faunce
"There is no true liberty except the liberty of the happy who cleave to the eternal law." - Augustine
"True liberty consists only in the power of doing what we ought to will, and in not being constrained to do what we ought not to will." - Jonathan Edwards
"The freedom of the Christian is freedom in the law." - A. H. Strong
"Freedom is the privilege and power to become all that God wants you to become. Freedom is the opportunity to fulfill your potential to the glory of God." - Warren W. Wiersbe
"Those who have a true love of freedom will do everything in their power to keep the freedom that they have." - Billy Graham
"Freedom of speech means nothing to a people who are too weak in their convictions to speak out against the evil that is eating at the heart of the nation like a cancer." - Billy Graham
"Any nation that thinks more of its ease and comfort than its freedom will soon lose its freedom; and the ironical thing about it is that it will lose its ease and comfort too." - W. Somerset Maugham
"Freedom. People cry for freedom, but freedom without Jesus, is just another wall. - Wayne Watson from the song 'Freedom' written after the fall of the Berlin wall
– C.D.Hudson. Compiled and edited by Christopher D. Hudson, J. Alan Sharrer, and Lindsay Vanker. Published by Hendrickson Publishers. This is a book you will find rich and rewarding. The devotional readings are gleaned from the 38-volume series The Early Church Fathers, first published in 1885. 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online magazine/website, started by Warren Wiersbe
– Jim Cymbala Third book in Pastor Cymbala’s best selling series. These books boldly address the need for revival in the church today. Following his books, Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire and Fresh Faith, this book is a call for the church to return to a dependence on the Holy Spirit. Published by Zondervan. 2ProphetU2ProphetU is
– Doug McIntosh. Biblical meditation has become a strange and unfamiliar practice. This book is a call for all of us to spend time meditating on the Scriptures. The book is practical and helpful for those who need to slow down and let the Word marinate in our minds. Published by Moody. 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an
Unleashing the Power of Exegetical Preaching – Marvin A. McMickle The author’s model is constructed on the alliteration system and consists of what he calls the 8 Ls: – Limits, Literature, Language, Location, Leads, Links, Lessons, and Life Application. The book is designed to help preachers engage in a disciplined and deliberate study of biblical
Recapturing Your Passion for Jesus – Joseph M. Stowell The author takes us to the dinner table of Simon the Pharisee…and inside the hearts of two totally different people. One, a sinful woman. The other, a man righteous in his own eyes. The book is challenging and practical. Published by Zondervan. 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online
The Forgotten Story of Thomas Spurgeon and His Famous Father, Charles Haddon Spurgeon – Craig Skinner Filled with more than two hundred photographs and illustrations, this biography is a historical treasure house that not only illuminates the personal history of the Spurgeon family, but also the lives of other notable evangelicals such as A. C.
Behold, a cook went forth to cook. And as he cooked, his household was nourished and satisfied, so much so that they went out into the highways and hedges and brought in the hungry and thirsty, and the house was filled. But it came to pass one day that the cook discovered a cookbook. In
written by: Arthur C. Dalton 2 Chronicles 7:14: ‘If my people will….then will I” The humbling required by God Note the people addressed. Note the Presence approached. The hearing restored by God Note the condition we must meet. Note the communion this will mean. The healing released by God Note the origin of this healing.
Preaching that’s predictable usually isn’t very powerful. If our listeners know where we’re going in a sermon and how we plan to get there, they will soon lose interest in the message, no matter how well we preach it. Without the unexpected and the element of surprise, even the best message will sound bland. Predictable