(Author unknown) Galatians 2:20 I. Christ Crucified for Us (Galatians 3:13)The truth of SUBSTITUTION is revealed. II. Christ Crucified Among Us (Galatians 3:1)The doctrine of PROCLAMATION is revealed. III. The Christian Crucified With Christ (Galatians 2:20)The message of IDENTIFICATION is stressed. IV. The Flesh Crucified in Us (Galatians 5:24) V. The Christian Crucified to the
"Freedom is priceless. Where it is present almost any kind of life is enjoyable. When it is absent, life can never be enjoyed; it can only be endured. Freedom is liberty within bounds: liberty to obey holy laws, liberty to keep the commandments of Christ, to serve mankind, to develop to the full all the latent possibilities within our redeemed natures. True Christian liberty never sets us free to indulge our lusts or to follow our fallen impulses." - A. W. Tozer
"There's only one thing more painful then learning by experience and that is not learning from experience." - Barbara Johnson
Ten Key Words from Romans 12:9-16 for Building Trust and Credibility 1) Sincerity – People will follow you a long way if that sincerity shines through in life. 2) Spirituality – In response to a sermon I heard named “Pray for Power,” I got face down on the floor of my office and told God,
A performer rehearses and worries about the results — a minister rehearses and prays about the results. A performer’s first thought is to impress his audience — a minister’s first thought is to reach his audience. A performer will make sacrifices for the good of his career — a minister will make sacrifices to further
100 Books that Have, Should, or Will Create Christian Culture – Dan Gibson, Jordan Green, and John Pattison. Biblica Books. Are there some books that every Christian really should read? These editors think so, and they have assembled a helpful list including fiction and nonfiction ranging from classic to contemporary. Selected works include The Divine
Real Faith in a Phony, Superficial World – Chad Young. Biblica Books. “According to a recent study by the Barna Group, the number one reason people reject Christianity is a lack of authentic Christians among their peers. In this book, Chad You writes out of what He calls his own “phony” background. He describes his
Written by: Bill Elliff It’s a simple sentence, but amazingly telling. It was the reason that David was the greatest king Israel ever knew and that God could entrust such responsibility into his hands. And it’s the necessary essential of all great leaders. And David realized that the Lord had established him as king over
Recently, one of our staff passed along a blog written by Dr. James Emery White. As I read it, I thought back to times in my own life. I also reflected on what needs to happen if this next generation is to be effective and efficient in ministry. Dr. White addresses the traps we can
Read 1 Kings 20:22-30 The Syrians, of course, were superstitious people who could not believe in an almighty God, Ruler of heaven and earth. Their gods were limited to hills or valleys, and they thought the God of Israel was as their gods. How wrong they were! The Christian life is like Canaan of old: