Howard F. Sugden & Warren W. Wiersbe Is preaching really important to the ministry of the church? Preaching is, of course, only one way God has given for the proclamation of His Word; but we sincerely believe it is the most important. We certainly proclaim His Word at the Lord’s Table and in baptism, as
To be a leader, one needs to be in tune with a variety of subjects. A person should also read books outside their area of interest or their normal reading plan. A good leader will read no less than 2 or 3 books a month. The minimum anyone can read can continue to maintain a
Written by: Joe McKeever I have finally nailed down the difference in “men’s books” and “women’s books.” I mean, aside from the fact that most books written for women have “Oprah’s Book Club” on their cover. Last week, I was reading “Black and Blue” by Anna Quindlen (definitely woman’s book) and something occurred to me.
– James W. Sire. InterVarsity Press. Often Christians are slammed as not being intellectual. We are viewed as people who have faith but no mind. Yet, some of the greatest thinkers in the history of humanity were believers. Men like Jonathan Edwards, Augustine, the Apostle Paul and C. S. Lewis. In a day when Christianity
– Tremper Longman III. InterVarsity. While the Psalms are considered by most their favorite book of the Bible, we can begin to read them and scan them in a way in that makes us dull to the deep truths contained in the text. At times, we see things in the Psalms that trouble us –
The Person and Work of Jesus Christ – J. Oswald Sanders. Moody. A great classic written by a popular author on Christ. Other books by this author you need to own are Spiritual Leadership, Spiritual Discipleship, Spiritual Maturity and Enjoying Intimacy with God. You can’t go wrong reading the balanced and practical writings of J.
How You Can Work With God To Build A Faithful Church – Gary L. McIntosh. Baker. There are hundreds of books out on church growth, but most may have missed what this author is trying to deal with. Church growth, but at what cost? A solid resource that comes highly recommended. A valuable tool for
– Christopher Crane & Mike Hamel Impacting Your Workplace for Christ by: Christopher Crane and Mike Hamel, is an outstanding book for the Christian businessman today. Every pastor should want every Christian businessman in the church to read this book. Crane and Hamel present the simple truths about who Christians are to be in the
– A. W. Tozer. Christian Publications. You should read this book at the beginning of every year. Tozer is an author you must read and absorb. He cuts like a knife and drives the point home. His high view of God and Scripture is evident on every page. 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online magazine/website, started by
– Oswald J. Smith Originally printed in 1925, this is a classic. Printed by Xulon Press, and available through their web site or through the above website. Jonathan Goforth said of this book, “Had I the wealth of a millionaire I would put ‘The Revival We Need’ in every Christian home on this continent and
– A. W. Tozer. Christian Publications. This publisher has combined the majority of Tozer’s work into 2 hardbound books. Tozer is someone every preacher needs to get to know. Although he died in the 1960’s, his writing is as current and fresh as anything on the market. He doesn’t water down the truth, he doesn’t
– D. A. Carson. Zondervan. Carson says, ‘What is at stake is authenticity…Sooner or later Christians tire of public meetings that are profoundly inauthentic, regardless of how well (or poorly) arranged, directed, performed. We long to meet, corporately, with the living and majestic God and to offer him the praise that he is due.’ An