John 16:1-8 The Holy Spirit is a person. He is not something, but He is someone! The Holy Spirit is God the Spirit. There is no jealousy in the God-head. We have God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit. I. CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSEIn creation, God the Father is Author, God’s Son
from Don't Just Stand There, Pray Something
by Ron DunnTo pray in the name of Jesus is to pray according to His will, with His approval, and consistent with His nature, character and purpose. (p. 46)
If we wait until we understand everything about prayer, we’ll never pray. (p. 51)
There are some things God will do if we ask Him that He will not do if we do not ask Him. (James 2:4) (p. 52)
The most difficult thing to understand about prayer is why God would place this kind of power in the hands of people like us. (p. 53)
The big deal about prayer is not that we get what we ask for, but that God is glorified in our getting it. (p. 53)
Ron Dunn
The Centers for Disease Control announced that suicides among Americans 35 to 64 have jumped 30 percent since 1999, with the biggest jump (49 percent) among men ages 50 to 54. Analysts say the prolonged economic downturn has depressed many. More Americans now die by suicide than in vehicular accidents. 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online magazine/website,
Out of 100 Average Americans… 7 Struggle with depression8 Are struggling with the loss of a job7 Abuse or are addicted to drugs or alcohol14 Feel crippled or trapped by fear and anxiety60 Don’t profess to be born again3 Are grieving the death of a loved one (from My Hope America with Billy Graham) 2ProphetU2ProphetU
#me is the hashtag for 25 million photos on Instagram, demonstrating the popularity of the “selfie,” or self-shot photo from a phone. 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online magazine/website, started by Warren Wiersbe and Michael Catt, to build up the church, seek revival, and encourage pastors.
– Michael Card. InterVarsity Press. “For years Michael Card’s music has imaginatively explored the narrative power of the Word of God. now, int he Biblical Imagination Series, Card invites readers to enter into Scripture as he does, at the level of the imagination. Taking seriously the individual life of each Gospel writer, these volumes help
Written by: Bill Elliff For I have no one else of kindred spirit who will genuinely be concerned for your welfare. For they all seek after their own interests, not those of Christ Jesus. But you know of his proven worth, that he served with me in the furtherance of the gospel like a child
On the morning of April 13, 1888, Alfred Nobel, a Swedish chemist who was the inventor of dynamite, opened the morning paper expecting to read the obituary of his older brother Ludvig. However, he was startled to read the headline, “The merchant of death is dead” The newspaper reporter in Paris had made a careless
In this age of social media it’s easy to post a quote, retweet a thought, or put something on Facebook. Point, click, copy…it’s easy, right? But easy doesn’t mean it’s true – for us. I know I’m guilty. I’ve preached sermons through the years, and I wasn’t living them out in my own life. It’s
Read 1 Peter 2:1-10 These verses describe the privileged position of the New Testament believer in Christ. We are “a royal priesthood” (v. 9) and “an holy priesthood” (v. 5); it is our privilege to “offer up spiritual sacrifices to God by Jesus Christ.” What are these spiritual sacrifices? Let’s begin with Romans 12:1: “I