In 1924 Adolf Hitler started writing his book Mein Kampf, which means “My Struggle.” Some people ignored the book, and some laughed at it, but for every word in Mein Kampf, 125 people died in World War II. Never underestimate the power of words. A judge speaks, and a man is condemned or set free.
C. H. Spurgeon used to urge pastors to have a ‘blind eye and deaf ear’ when it came to gossip and criticism. He said, “You can’t stop people’s tongues and therefore the best thing to do is to stop your own ears and never mind what is spoken. Judge it to be a small matter
– John Stott. InterVarsity Press. The author is afraid that too many leaders have uncritically adopted secular models of leadership. The antidote, is a biblical approach to servant leadership, exemplified by the apostle Paul in his ministry to the Corinthian church. This book is for pastors who may be seeking to be too ‘secular’ in
A Personal Plea for Unity, Integrity & Faithfulness – John Stott. InterVarsity Press. Stott is one of the leading theologians alive today. This is a great book to have in your library. It is worthy of your time in a time when the faith is so fragmented and we face an undermining of absolute truth.
Voices of African American Men – Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. Judson Press. This is a follow up book to ‘From One Brother to Another’ and is illustrative material from African American men in the fields of politics, religion, business, law and others. The themes covered in the book include unity, peace, justice, faith, family, responsibility,
What We Can Learn From Each Other – Wiersbe and Bailey. Zondervan. Dr. Wiersbe has been telling me about this book for a year. It’s been worth the wait. This is a ‘one of a kind’ book that examines distinct preaching traditions. These two men understand tradition, history and culture and have written an excellent
The Way of Balaam – Timothy Williams. Winepress Publishing. This is an excellent, small book that reveals how and when God gives us the desires of our hearts. It will cause you to carefully examine the ‘name it – claim it’ theology of our times 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online magazine/website, started by Warren Wiersbe and
Finding Serenity in God’s Sovereignty – Samuel D. Rima. Baker. In a day when only Mega-churches are considered successful, this book is needed. Most pastors are in communities that are growing and thriving. They aren’t located in a thriving bedroom community where you’d have to lock the doors to keep people out. Most of us
Beyond Small Groups to Authentic Community – Randy Frazee. Zondervan. A book relating the importance of building authentic relationships in the body of Christ. There is a need for connecting and community in our churches. This book will help you discern how you and your church can do a better job at both. 2ProphetU2ProphetU is
Expository Sermons on Christian Encouragement – J.D. Jones. Kregel. Warren Wiersbe says, “His was a positive ministry, and a ministry of encouragement and comfort. He did not preach ‘easy Christianity,’ but he did identify with his people in their needs and try to make their pilgrim journey a bit more triumphant.” J. D. Jones died
– H. A. Ironside. Gospel Folio Press. A timely book in a day of easy faith and a Cross-less Christianity. Ironside who died in 1951 was an itinerant evangelist and Bible teacher until becoming pastor of the Moody Church in Chicago. He authored more than sixty books during his ministry. 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online magazine/website,
April 2 Ponce de Leon lands near what is now St. Augustine, Fl., 1513. April 3 Harry Truman signs Marshall Plan ($5B aid to 16 European countries, 1948. April 5 George Washington casts 1st presidential veto, 1792. Tupelo Mississippi virtually annihilated by a tornado, 216 die, 1936. In San Francisco, Castro & Fillmore streetcars replaced