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(This message is from a series entitled “Godly Wisdom for a New Millennium”.)
by Michael Catt
Proverbs 1:7-33
Basic Facts About Wisdom:
“The reason why we have two ears and only one mouth is that we may listen the more and talk the less.” -Zeno, Greek Philosopher
I. The Invitation of Wisdom (1:7, 20, 21)
A. I am instructed to fear the Lord.
1. It begins with a personal conviction. (1:7b)
2. It is a matter of personal choice. (1:29)
B. I am invited to pursue wisdom.
1. Wisdom is invaluable (8:1ff)
2. Wisdom gives us moral and ethical direction. (1:2-7)
a. The disciple of wisdom will result in godly character. (1:3a)
b. Wisdom leads to understanding that gives discernment. (1:5, 6)
c. Wisdom produces purdence to develop proper behavior. (1:4)
(*If you want a comparison of two women, one wise and one foolish, study Eve (Gen. 3:6) and Abigail (1 Sam. 25:3).
3. Wisdom is available to anyone and everyone. (9:1, 4)
C. I am a fool if I reject wisdom's invitation.
How does a person become a fool? (1:22)
- The fool is wise in his own eyes. (26:5)
- The fool prefers his folly. (26:11)
- The fool mocks sin. (14:9)
- The fool avoids dealing with the real issues. (14:8)
II. The Influence of Wisdom (1:8ff)
A. It can come from our parents.
B. It can come from historic influences.
C. It can easily be undermined if you don't keep your guard up.
"You are free to take whatever you want from life, but eventually you'll have to pay for it, and the price you pay is higher than the value you gain. You end up sacrificing the permanent for the immediate, and that's a bad investment." - Warren Wiersbe
D. It must be taught and caught.
III. The Indignation of Wisdom (1:20ff)
In verses 22-23, God paints a tough picture. Why doesn't He cut anyone any slack that rejects wisdom?
- The naive refuse to repent.
- The naive rejects the Spirit of God. (1:23)
- The naive rejects the Word of God. (1:23)
Wisdom speaks, but it is ignored, mocked and rejected.
Now we see the results of rejecting wisdom:
1. The unrepentant are filled with despair. (1:24-31)
2. The self-sufficient are destroyed by their folly. (1:32)
(copyright Michael Catt)
2ProphetU is an online magazine/website, started by Warren Wiersbe and Michael Catt, to build up the church, seek revival, and encourage pastors.