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Our Adversary is unrelenting. He has nothing else to do. He isn’t interested in a night off or a little vacation. The devil is pure evil and ruthlessly intent to steal, kill, and destroy. Today and tomorrow, 24 hours a day. And most leaders are seriously naïve regarding his activity.
Nehemiah, Chapter 6 illustrates the enemy’s intent and our needed response. Nehemiah was doing the work of God, rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem God’s way. He was prayerful and focused. He caught the attention of the enemy and true to form, the ol’ serpent sent his emissaries.
The Relentless Attack
Six times, in multiple forms through multiple people, they came to try to pull Nehemiah away. “Let’s go on the plane of Ono and have a talk” “Come into the sanctuary and hide because your life is in danger” …and on and on and on.
Each time, this discerning leader recognized this assault for what it was and resisted the enemy “firm in his faith.” He kept praying and would not be turned from God’s work. He answered his enemies with the word they deserved, shunning their deceptive offers.
The result was revival in quick time. The entire wall around God’s city was rebuilt in 52 days, God was glorified, His work re-established, the people revived, the enemies defeated. But it would have been halted in mid-stride if Nehemiah had not discerned the attack of God’s adversary and resisted.
Your Wall
What good work has God called you to? Have you recognized the whispers of the enemy?
“Let’s just come down and talk about this. Don’t get in such a hurry”
“There’s plenty of time.”
“What are people going to think of you?”
“People are gossiping about you. You need to stop.”
“I really care about you, that’s why I’m saying this.”
“It will never work. The odds are against you. It’s too big a job.”
“Everybody needs a little rest. Take some time off.”
“Your prayers are not really accomplishing anything.”
“It’s too late. Nothing can be changed.”
Some leaders may receive little attention from the enemy because they are already on the sidelines, no threat to his agenda. But for those who are moving forward with God’s vision, watch your back (and front and sides!) The enemy will come from every angle, with every resource. He will whisper in your ear in such ways that you think it’s you’re own good thoughts. He will come through well-meaning friends and outright enemies. He will search for your most vulnerable areas, sending his darts into your vital organs. He will wait for just the right time. He will kick you when you’re down, tired, and disappointed or successful, happy, and unthinking. He knows his job and he’s got schemes for every occasion. He’s been at this a long time.
Your Offensive Position
There is one response: resist! Stand discerning, stand clothed in the full armor of God, and confidently remind him that he was crushed at Calvary and he MUST flee from you. Don’t be surprised if he comes back for a second, third, and sixth try! He may leave and wait for a “more opportune time” as he did with our Elder Brother in the wilderness temptation. Keep resisting and stand firm. Nehemiah did, Christ did, and so can you by the grace and power of God.
God wants to rebuild a wall through you—in your home, your church, your city, this nation. He is longing to send revival right where you are, rebuilding a vital wall. You are His leader for the task. If you listen, He will give you clear instructions. You must pray, get His plan, survey the ruined walls, engage the people, resist the enemy at every turn, and build the environment for revival—a highway for our God.
(copyright, Bill Elliff)
2ProphetU is an online magazine/website, started by Warren Wiersbe and Michael Catt, to build up the church, seek revival, and encourage pastors.