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It’s funny how we set our clocks to arise at 4:00 am or 5:00 am to be at the job by 7:30; yet, when Sunday comes we can’t get to church for the 11:00 am service to praise the one who gave us the jobs!
It’s funny how we call God our Father and Jesus our brother; but, find it hard to introduce them to our family.
It’s funny how small our sins seem, but, how big “their” sins are.
It’s funny how we demand justice for others; but, expect mercy from God.
It’s funny how much difficulty some have learning the gospel well enough to tell others; but, how simple it is to understand and explain the latest gossip about someone else.
It’s funny how we can’t think of anything to say when we pray; but, don’t have any difficulty thinking of things to talk about to a friend.
It’s funny how we are so quick to take directions from a total stranger when we are lost; but, are hesitant to take God’s direction for our lives.
It’s funny how so many church goers sing “Standing on the Promises”; but, all they do is sit on the premises.
It’s funny how people want God to answer their prayers; but, refuse to listen to His counsel.
It’s funny how we sing about heaven; but, live only for today.
It’s funny how people think they are going to Heaven; and, think there is no Hell.
It’s funny how it is okay to blame God for evil and suffering in the world; but, it is not necessary to thank Him for what is good and pleasant.
It’s funny how when something goes wrong we cry, “Lord, why me?”; but, when something goes right, we think, “Hey! it must be me!”
Oh wait — maybe all of this just isn’t so “funny” after all.
Don Williams
2ProphetU is an online magazine/website, started by Warren Wiersbe and Michael Catt, to build up the church, seek revival, and encourage pastors.