The Elements of Revival

In April of this year, cyclist Lance Armstrong came through North Georgia when he participated in the Tour de Georgia. It was meant to be a tune-up for another run at the Tour de France title. At the time, he was the reigning six-time title holder of the Tour de France. That fact alone was […]

Beheading Christ

It is popular for some today to try to take Jesus and reject the church, the body of Christ. This leaves them with a beheaded Jesus—Christ without His body. It is a handy way to escape being tarred by the brush that paints all Christians, but it is not the religion of Jesus Christ. I […]

Why Are There so Many Knuckleheads In The Church

I was talking to a friend of mine today and he told me about a man in his church who tried to take over a business meeting. It seems the man doesn’t want to make any changes to reach new people. When the pastor went there, the church couldn’t pay her bills and was dying […]

John: The Glory of the Son (Part 1)

One of the most amazing events in the earthly life of the Lord Jesus was the Transfiguration. The record of this event is given in Matthew 17, Mark 9 and Luke 9. Eight persons were involved in the Transfiguration. There was Jesus—He was on earth revealing His glory. There was God the Father, who spoke […]

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