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"Covetousness is dry drunkenness." - Thomas Watson
"He is not a covetous man, who lays up something providentially; but he is a covetous man, who gives out nothing willingly." - William Secker
"A poor man doth want many things, a rich miser wants everything." - John Boys
"It is the love, not the lack of money, that makes men churls." - John Trapp
"It is a common saying that a hog is good for nothing whilst he is alive: not good to bear or carry, as the horse; nor to draw, as the ox; nor to give milk, as the cow; nor to keep the house, as the dog; but fed only to the slaughter."
"So a covetous, rich man, just like a hog, doth no good with his riches whilst he liveth, but when he is dead his riches come to be disposed of. "The riches of a sinner are laid up for the just." - Andrew Willet
"They are fools that fear to lose their wealth by giving, but fear not to lose themselves by keeping it." - John Trapp
"Covetousness is called idolatry, which is worse than infidelity, Colossians 3:5; for it is less rebellion not to honour the king, than to set up another king against him…" -- Henry Smith
"Antichrist is Mammon's son." - John Milton
"To dispense our wealth liberally, is the best way to preserve it." - Isaac Barrow
"We must be convinced that covetousness, I mean that our covetousness, is a vice; for it holds something of a virtue, of frugality, which is not to waste that which one hath; and this makes us entertain thoughts that it is no vice; and we often say that it is good to be a little worldly; a little covetousness we like well; which shows that we do not indeed and in heart, hold it to be a sin. For if sin be naught, a little of sin cannot be good. As good say, a little poison were good, so it be not too much." - Richard Capel
"Covetousness puts money above manhood." - Billy Graham
'Take heed and beware of covetousness.'
'Take heed and beware of covetousness.'
'Take heed and beware of covetousness.'
What if I should say nothing else these three or four hours?" - Hugh Latimer, preaching before King Edward VI"We are most of us far too ready to "seek great things" in this world: let us "seek them not" (Jeremiah 45:5)." - J. C. Ryle
"Greatness and riches are a perilous possession for the soul." - J. C. Ryle
"Much trouble is caused by our yearnings getting ahead of our earnings." - Anonymous
"Covetousness is the blight that is withering our church life in all directions." - Samuel Chadwick
"He is much happier that is always content, though he has ever so little, than he that is always coveting, though he has ever so much." - Matthew Henry
"The soul of man is infinite in what it covets." - Ben Jonson
"The itch of covetousness makes a man scratch what he can from another." - Thomas Watson
"I have heard thousands of confessions, but never one of covetousness." - Francis Xavier
"Wealth is the devil's stirrup whereby he gets up and rides the covetous." - Thomas Adams
"Seeking empties a life; giving fills it." - Anonymous
"Faith is the sovereign antidote to covetousness." - John Calvin
"Covetousness is commonly a master-sin and has the command of other lusts." - Matthew Henry
"Poor people are as much in danger from an inordinate desire towards the wealth of the world as rich people from an inordinate delight in it." - Matthew Henry
"There are two sins which were Christ's sorest enemies, covetousness and envy. Covetousness sold Christ and envy delivered him." - Thomas Manton
"We may love money without having it, just as we may have money without loving it." - J. C. Ryle