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"Don't fly into a rage unless you are ready for a rough landing." - Anonymous
"Two things you should never be angry about: what you can control, what you can't control." - Anonymous
"Anger is temporary insanity." - C. H. Spurgeon
"I have no more right as a Christian to allow a bad temper to dwell in me than I have to allow the devil himself to dwell there." - C. H. Spurgeon
"Better to swallow your words than to eat them." - Anonymous
"When you sling mud, you are always losing ground." - Michael Catt
"The worst of slaves is he whom passion rules." - Phillips Brooks
"The worst thing we can bring to a religious controversy is anger." - Matthew Henry
"People who fly into a rage always make a bad landing." - Will Rogers
"Anger is just one letter short of danger." - Anonymous
"If you've got a sharp tongue, you will eventually cut your throat." - Michael Catt
"When a man is wrong and won't admit it, he always becomes angry." - Anonymous
"Anger is momentary madness, so control your passion, or it will control you." - Horace
"Everyone you give someone a piece of your mind, you are being more generous than you can afford to be." - Michael Catt
"It is easy to fly into a passion - anybody can do that - but to be angry with the right person to the right extent and at the right time and with the right object and in the right way - that is not easy, and it is not everyone who can do it." - Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, 2.9
"Anger is self-immolation." - Phillips Brooks
"My life is in the hands of any fool who makes me lose my temper." - Dr. John Hunter
"Anger is a stone cast into a wasp's nest." - Proverb (Malabar)
"The greatest remedy for anger is delay." - Seneca
"Keep cool; anger is not an argument. "- Daniel Webster
"A bulldog can whip a skunk, but it's not worth it." - Vance Havner
"Never answer an angry word with an angry word. It's always the second remark that starts the trouble." - Anonymous
"The two best times to keep your mouth shut are when you are swimming and when you are angry." - Anonymous
"Life appears to me to be too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrong." - Charlotte Bronte
"We get angry with others in direct proportion that we are angry with ourselves." - Albert Ellis
"There was never an angry man that thought his anger unjust." - Francis de Sales
"He who angers you, controls you." - Michael Catt
"He that overcomes his anger conquers his greatest enemy." - Latin proverb
"Hot heads and cold hearts never solved anything." - Billy Graham
"Unholy tempers are always unhappy tempers." - John Wesley
"When a man's temper gets the best of him, it reveals the worst of him." - Anonymous
"It is the great duty of all Christians to put off anger. It unfits for duty… A man cannot wrestle with God and wrangle with his neighbor at the same time. Short sins often cost us long and sad sorrows." - Philip Henry
"The angry man, like the two hot disciples that called fire from heaven, ordains himself the judge, and would have God turn his executioner." - Thomas Adams