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by Michael Catt
(from the Leap of Faith series)
Joshua 1 and 2
I. Faith is believing God, in spite of the physical evidence.
“Faith makes invisible things visible, absent things present, and things that are very far off to be very near…” – Thomas Brooks
II. Faith refuses to settle for second best. It is willing to wait, if ncessary, for God’s best.
A) Waiting time is never wasted time.
B) The three days were for preparation.
C) In those three days, God extended grace to Jericho.
Why were they told to wait?
1) There was a lady in Jericho that needed to be saved.
2) There were choices to be confirmed.
3) There was soul searching to be done.
III. What about your faith?
Ron Dunn said there are three ways to gain the victory God has already given:
1) The victory is gained by faith.
2) The victory is gained by following.
3) The victory is gained by fighting.
2ProphetU is an online magazine/website, started by Warren Wiersbe and Michael Catt, to build up the church, seek revival, and encourage pastors.