What do you do when your back is against the wall? Where do you turn when the bottom drops out on your life? How do you respond when you see society decaying and the culture crumbling before your very eyes? Such was the situation in which Isaiah found himself. Isaiah lived in perilous, terrible times.
A few weeks ago, I had my yearly physical. One of the sure signs you are beginning to age is when you know medical terms intimately like you have graduated from a school of medicine. Even just a few years ago, all I knew about cholesterol was the fact it was found in butter. Now,
– S. Mark Heim This is a survey of the various theological approaches that Christian denominations bring to the issue of religious pluralism. In these diverse essays, writers from eleven different traditions share their confessions characteristic approaches to the challenges and possibilities raised by religious pluralism. 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online magazine/website, started by Warren Wiersbe
– Derrick C. Moore How God Takes You From Here to There, Derrick is the chaplain of the football program at Georgia Tech. He is a passionate speaker and it’s good to see someone pick up his story and put it in book form. He is a native of Albany Georgia where I pastor and is
– D. G. Hart Jonathan Edwards was a leader in the Great Awakening, a brilliant scholar and one of the greatest minds in American history. This work is a collection of writings by 12 renowned scholars who examine the vision, theology and influence of this giant of American Protestantism. D. G. Hart, Sean Michael Lucas
– Oswald J. Smith Marshall, Morgan & Scott. A collection of message by this pastor that will encourage your heart. Other Books by J. Oswald Smith The Salvation of God. Ten Sermons that he preached in his city-wide campaigns. The Enduement of Power, messages on the Holy Spirit. The Passion for Souls, message on Revival
– Erwin W. Lutzer. Word. Lutzer is the Senior Pastor of the Moody Church in Chicago. His writings are practical and helpful for pastors and lay leaders. The chapter titles of this book include: The Challenge of Self-Discovery, Deceived and Loving It, The Path of Least Resistance, The Curse and Cure for Shame, The Roots
– Bob Kelly I’m a sucker for a great quote book and this is one I’m enjoying. Selections range from funny to profound. Every preacher should have a collection of quote books to season a sermon and drive home a point. 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online magazine/website, started by Warren Wiersbe and Michael Catt, to build
I thought you would want to know about this e-mail virus. Even the most advanced programs from Norton or McAfee cannot take care of this one. It appears to affect those who were born prior to 1960. Symptoms: Causes you to send the same e-mail twice. Causes you to send a blank e-mail. Causes you
The following has been attributed to State Representative Mitchell Kaye from Georgia. “We, the sensible people of the United States, in an attempt to help everyone get along, restore some semblance of justice, avoid any more riots, keep our nation safe, promote positive behavior, and secure the blessings of debt free liberty to ourselves and
"Until a man is nothing, God can make nothing out of him." - Martin Luther
"Breakthrough happened around me when breakup happened within me." - Jack Hayford, on being humbled by God
"A sign on a department store dressing room mirror: 'Objects in mirror may appear bigger than they actually are.'" - Hope Health Letter (12/95)
"People don't fall into immorality instantly. The road to immorality involves a process. Absolutely anyone can fall, and that person can do it while having a successful ministry." - Lois Mowday Rabey in 'The Snare' (NavPress) quoted in Virtue, Sep/Oct 1997, page 58
"Luther E. Smith is professor of church and community at Emory University's Candler School of Theology. He had this to say in a speech to students about living honestly. 'Faking it for a class session is one thing. But it's so easy to find ourselves making faking it a lifestyle. We fake it with others. We fake it with ourselves. We fake it with God. This summer I saw a bumper sticker that said: 'Jesus is coming. Look busy!''" - Chronicle of Higher Education, Oct. 11, 1996