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(from the series “Family Focus”)
by Michael Catt
“We’ve got to stop mareketing religion and pandering to people’s desires. Our nation’s moral and spiritual crisis is much too deep-rooted to allow for superficial fixes. Even nonreligious people in America are beginning to realize that we are facing disintegration as a society. This is a problem of fundamental values.” –Adrian Rogers
In 1947, Carl Zimmerman, a sociologist and historian compared the deterioration of cultures with the decline of the family unit in America (Family and Civilization, Harper & Row, 1947, pp. 776-777):
Increased and rapid, easy, “causeless” divorce
Decreased number of children, population decay, and increased public disrepect for parents and parenthood
Elimination of the real meaning of the marriage ceremony
Popularity of pessimistic doctrines about the early heroes
Breaking down of most inhibitions against adultery
Revolts of youth against parents so that parenthood become more and more difficult for those who did try to raise children
Rapid rise and spread of juvenile delinquency
Common acceptance of all forms of sex perversion
I. Family, as we know it, is disintegrating.
In the ’50s, kids lost their innocence.
In the ’60s, kids lost their authority.
In the ’70s, kids lost their respect for others.
In the ’80s, kids lost their hope for the future.
In the ’90s, kids lost all sense of absolutes.
What’s changed in our lifetime?
1) Urbanization
2) Technology revolution
3) Mobility
4) Divorce, separation and desertion; government; foster care; abortion; euthanasia
5) Immorality
6) Materialism and secularization
7) Lack of family unity.
II. Fathers must step it up.
“Our society continues to applaud the successful man more than the family man–but the truth is if you are genuinely a family man, you are a successful man.” –Ed Young, Sr.
III. Remember the law of sowing and reaping.
The Law of the Harvest is simple:
2ProphetU is an online magazine/website, started by Warren Wiersbe and Michael Catt, to build up the church, seek revival, and encourage pastors.