Coaching Your Kids to Be Leaders

– P. Williams, W.Faith The book is divided in 3 parts: To Build Leaders, Start Early; The Seven Keys to Effective Leadership; How to Mentor and Motivate. Pat is Sr. V.P. for the Orlando Magic of the NBA. He is the father of 19 children, 14 adopted from 4 different countries. His books are easy […]

Behold The King, A Study in Matthew

A Study of Matthew – Stanley D. Toussaint. Kregel Academic. While Greek proficiency is not required to use this commentary, it is grounded in historical and grammatical hermeneutic from the Greek text. The author is the senior professor emeritus of Bible exposition at Dallas Theological Seminary. Originally published in 1980, this is a new paperback […]

Heavenly Secrets

When White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove recently disclosed classified information regarding the identity of an undercover CIA agent, he not only put the life of the agent at risk, but he violated the laws of confidentiality. In moments like this, one has to wonder, just how secure are the secrets of our […]

Three Motifs For The Church’s Relationship To The World

What is the church’s relationship to the world? How much are we to be in the world yet not of it? How much influence are we to have on the world? How much separation? Should we simply let the world “go to hell in a hand-basket” or are we expected to get involved and change things? Jesus did not […]

What Happened to Civility?

The fall of 2004 has been an embarrassment in the world of sports. Yet, I am not surprised. NBA players out of control. Fans who act like morons. College football players fighting on the field. Oh where, oh where is sportsmanship? It went out the windows when values and morals became optional in our society. […]

Sanctified by Correction (Continued)

Second, the Word of God is the water that corrects our defilement. Sin defiles us. There’s no question about that. If you ever have any doubt about the defiling nature of sin, just read Psalm 51. as you know, Psalm 51 is David’s cry of repentance. Notice how often he talks about defilement. “Wash me thoroughly […]

Parents For Megan’s Law

A clearinghouse of information about child sexual abuse; it also links to – and rates – all state registries 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online magazine/website, started by Warren Wiersbe and Michael Catt, to build up the church, seek revival, and encourage pastors. […]

Principles of Victorious Living

 by Pastor Michael Catt (Part 1 & 2 from the series, Principles of Victorious Living) Not I But ChristShow Me Your GloryExodus 33; Mark 9 Tom Elliff, “Those who do not genuinely meet with God are easily impressed by others who have never met with him either. For these people a worship service is judged […]

The following quotes are by Jimmy Draper.

They are taken from Walking God’s Path, The Life & Ministry of Jimmy Draper by John Perry.

Bible Interpretation
“No one in his right mind wants to exercise some dictatorial authority over the legitimate bounds of interpretation. Bible-believing Christians have long differed as to the exact nature of the millennium, for example. Will Jesus Christ return before or after the Great Tribulation? Does man consist of two parts or three? Does man inherit his soul by natural generation, as he does his body, or does God create it immediately? Is God’s elective purpose for man conditional or unconditional? And the list goes on. Most Christians would agree that there is sufficient doubt about these matters that extreme dogmatism is inappropriate. Certainly these matters should not be allowed to become a barrier to fellowship and cooperative effort.” pg. 168

“When you pay a man not to work and care for him when he refuses to work you rob him of his pride and his self-respect. pg. 74

“Change is not an option,” Brother Jimmy said in describing his ministry at Del City. “Change is inevitable. The best we can hope for is to manage change, not be victimized or marginalized by it. A good pastor keeps people from being threatened by change. A good pastor is a leader, not a driver. The people have to understand why changes are made.” pg. 110

“The church is not an institution for the retention of the status quo. The church is not an institution that exists for its own enhancement or its own perpetuity. The church is an institution that is planted by God to be a witness to the saving gospel of the redemptive purposes of Almighty God through Jesus Christ. The challenge is for us to be used of God in those kinds of churches, and our blueprint is the Bible. We have a word to proclaim from God.” pg. 152-153

“It's important for us to understand that evangelism and truth are inseparable. Biblical evangelism requires divine truth. Divine truth requires revelation in language. Revelation in language requires the deposit of an infallible scripture. As soon as confidence is weakened in the integrity of our source material, evangelism is weakened to a corresponding degree. Without an authoritative scripture, the gospel is like a movie without a sound track, leaving us bewildered and uncertain about the future, and about the nature of the message and our salvation. There is no evangelism where His truth is not declared. That is the task of the church.” pg. 153

God's Will
“It's a mystical thing, like being saved. You feel God calling you to something different from the secular world, something of a spiritual nature. Baptists have a sense of God calling you; it's a plan God has for your life, not a vocational choice you make. I surrendered any right I had to be anything else and vowed to devote myself to the work of the Lord. pg. 40

Humility in Ministry
“To humble ourselves means to face the truth about ourselves. It means to be honest with ourselves. To humble ourselves means that we admit that the problem is with us. We as preachers particularly have become experts at what’s wrong with everybody else, and we’re always preaching and pointing our fingers, and we’re always coming to conclusions, and we’re always speaking a piece of our minds and drawing very strong conclusions about things we know very little about. You know, meeting people and praying with them has ruined some of my greatest prejudices, it really has. The truth is, the problem is with me. I am my greatest foe. It is in my heart that the battlefield is the strongest. It is in my soul and in my spirit that the temptation is the greatest…The greatest exercise that any of us could take would be to humble ourselves before God.” pg. 152

Liberal theology is… “man’s attempt to explain his concept of God rather than God’s self-disclosure and revelation to man. Repeatedly the Bible is pictured as being solely of human origin.” pg. 146

“Where two or more are gathered together, politics is inevitable.” pg. 2

Priesthood of the believer
“They are using the term, priesthood of the believer, to mean that an individual Baptist has the right to believe anything he wants to believe, and that no other Baptist has a right to say he is wrong, criticize him, or in any way interfere with his beliefs or with his teaching of those beliefs in our Baptist institutions. That, of course, is a complete distortion of the doctrine of the priesthood of the believer. According to Scripture, the doctrine of the priesthood of the believer teaches that all believers in Jesus Christ have immediate, direct access to the Father through Jesus Christ, the only Mediator, and that we do not need any other man, or any other being of any kind, to intercede for us. Those who misuse this term are invoking a doctrine that means a great deal in Baptist circles, making it apply to something to which it does not apply.” pg. 167

“Almost all problems are people problems at their core, and that by supporting, encouraging, admonishing, equipping; rewarding – and occasionally replacing – people, virtually any problem could be solved.” pg. 216

“If a program isn’t meaningful, change it or eliminate it.” pg. 85

Quotes By Jimmy Draper

When Aging Really Sets In

1. Eventually you will reach a point when you stop lying about your age and start bragging about it. 2. Don’t let anyone tell you you’re getting old. Squash their toes with your rocker. 3. The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for. 4. Some people try to turn back […]

The Sacred Desk

Sermons of the Southern Baptist Convention Presidents – Ergun Caner & Emir Cane. Broadman & Holman. Fifty-two sermons from fifty-two denominational presidents to their convention. P 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online magazine/website, started by Warren Wiersbe and Michael Catt, to build up the church, seek revival, and encourage pastors. […]

The Power of Team Leadership

Finding Strength in Shared Responsibility – George Barna. WaterBrook Press. Chapter titles include: Are we Setting Up Pastors – and Churches – for Failure? Why Team Leadership? Without Vision, There is no Leadership Why Teams are Scarce (and Why They Shouldn’t Be). The People Factor in Team Development. The Four Leadership Aptitudes. Best Practices of […]

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