Older Adults Online

(from Pew Research) “As of April 2012, 53 percent of American adults age 65 and older use the Internet or email. Though these adults are still less likely than other age groups to use the Internet, the latest data represent the first time half of seniors are going online. After several years of very little […]

Beyond Church…

LifeWay Research asked, “How often do you set aside time for prayer of any kind, outside of a church worship service?” Every day to a few times a week70% Men77% Women Between once a week and once a month21% Men17% Women Rarely or never09% Men06% Women 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online magazine/website, started by Warren Wiersbe […]

Fresh Vision for the Muslim World

– Mike Kuhn. Biblica Books. “Based on his extensive experience working in the Middle East, Mike Kuhn challenges readers to love the Muslims down the street and across the world with the love of Christ. Demonstrating through his extensive research that Muslims have the same hopes and needs as all people, Kuhn provides practical suggestions […]

Happy in Jesus

Written by: Bill Elliff George Mueller was the great man of God who is known for his extraordinary faith. He prayed in over 50 million dollars without mentioning a need to anyone as he build massive orphanages, which stand to this day, in Bristol, England. His fruitful life has encouraged millions. But the secret of […]

The Harvest

“So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask Him to send more workers into His fields.” Luke 10:1 Jesus called The Twelve, but He also chose 72 other disciples to go ahead of Him, in pairs, to all the towns and places He planned to visit. His primary instruction to […]

When Your Children Challenge and Stretch You

Our youngest daughter, Hayley, is currently serving with the International Mission Board in South Africa. As she’s been on this faith venture, it’s reminded me that it is easier to talk about missions than to do missions. When it hits home, when it is someone you love, it’s different. When you are a 16-hour flight […]

Learning How to Pray

Read Matthew 9:18-30 one of the great prayer promises of the Bible is Matthew 7:7 — “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” See how this promise is illustrated in our verses for the day. The ruler of the synagogue came asking. […]

He Is a Wonderful Savior to Me

Isaiah 9:6 Isaiah the prophet looked down the telescope of prophecy and saw 700 years into the future. He saw three things about our wonderful Lord:1) He saw a CRIB – “unto us a child is born”2) He saw a CROSS – “unto us a Son is given”3) He saw a CROWN – “and the […]

Reflections on Revival

Written by: F. J. Huegel If I have been able to feel the spirit that has moved the efforts of Christians, pastors and missionaries in these later years; if I have been able to perceive the concern of our work, I would say: The supreme passion of many hearts, the deepest yearning of many brethren […]

"God can show Himself as He really is only to real men. And that means not simply to men who are individually good, but to men who are united together in a body, loving one another, helping one another, showing Him to one another. For that is what God meant humanity to be like; like players in one band, or organs in one body." - C. S. Lewis

The Body of Christ

"Traditional religion is the mainstream, but it is not the only form in which religion appears today. There is also liberal religion. One can hardly speak of liberal Islam, as liberalism is essentially a non-existent force in the Muslim world. But there are liberal Jews, whose Jewishness seems largely a matter of historical memory and cultural habits. Here in the West, there are lots of liberal Christians. Some of them have assumed a kind of reserve mission: instead of being the church's missionaries to the world, they have become the world's missionaries to the church. They devote their moral energies to trying to make the church more democratic, to assure equal rights for women, to legitimize homosexual marriage, and so on. A small but influential segment of liberal Christianity rejects all the central doctrines of Christianity. H. Richard Niebuhr famously summed up their credo: 'A God without wrath brought men without sin into a kingdom without judgment through the ministrations of a Christ without a cross…'" - Dinesh D'Souza

Liberal Christianity

"Disciple-making takes time. You can't microwave a disciple. The process won't be hurried. A real disciple is always becoming more like Jesus. It's what gives the disciple-maker the opportunity to say, 'Here's what the Lord is showing me right now.'" - Mark Howell


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