The Boundary

“Do not remove the ancient boundary which your fathers have set.” Proverbs 22:28 One of the popular patriot posters of WW I warned of the danger of unguarded speech. Citizens were cautioned to watch what they say or it could put the troops of the nation at risk. The banner read,“Loose lips sink ships.” By […]

Duck Hunting

“You don’t have to get all the ducks to have a good hunt. It’s obvious to anyone who ever spent a day crouched in a duck blind: You don’t have to get all the ducks to have a good hunt. A returning hunter focuses on what they bagged, not what they missed. A good duck […]

Do You Need a Good Plowing?

I’ve never farmed a day in my life. I have relatives who have worked a farm, but I’ve never been behind a plow. I do think I understand what a plow is for. You use a plow to break up the ground and prepare for a harvest. If the ground is not plowed, the seed […]

Praying with Your Eyes Open

Nehemiah 4:1-9 “We made our prayer…and set a watch!” This was the secret of Nehemiah’s victory over the enemies that tried to hinder the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem. The New Testament in several places has picked up this secret and applied it to different areas of your Christian life. “Watch and pray” is […]

Mac Freedom

For chronic procrastinators, this program (available for PC or Mac) can help by providing interruption-free computer time. Put in the desired number of minutes you want to work distraction free, and the program will shut down your internet connection. The only way to regain access is to reboot your computer! 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online […]

The Holy Spirit

by James Stewart He creates – Ps. 104:30He searches – 1 Cor. 2:10-11He strives – Gen. 6:3He moves – Gen. 1:2He speaks – Rev. 2:11He guides – Jn. 16:13He leads – Rom. 8:14He helps – Rom. 8:26He witnesses – Jn. 15:26He reveals – Eph. 3:5He prophesies – 1 Tim. 4:1He gives gifts – 1 Cor. […]

"The greatest temptation of religion is to become worship-centered instead of service-centered." - Charles L. Allen


"Little doubt exists in my mind but that the American church is a sleeping giant. Stirred into action, it could produce in our times the most sweeping spiritual, social, economic, and political changes in the history of the world. This world is waiting for such a revolution. Jesus used ordinary men for extraordinary tasks from the beginning, and he is waiting for his followers today to do the extraordinary." - Paul Benjamin


The Muslim Brotherhood

FYI:“The group was founded in 1928 as an organ of social reform. Its philosophy was influenced by theologian Sayyid Quth who advocated the overthrow of Egypt’s secular government and was eventually hanged. In the 1970s, the Brotherhood disavowed violence, though some jihadists, including Ayman al-Zawahiri, were once members. A Brotherhood faction in a new government […]


According to MetLife’s Mature Market Institute and the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, Baby Boomers will receive a total of $11.6 trillion in inheritance. That’s approximately $64,000 per person. 2ProphetU2ProphetU is an online magazine/website, started by Warren Wiersbe and Michael Catt, to build up the church, seek revival, and encourage pastors. […]

Discipleship Failures

According to the Barna Group and Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life: Seven out of 10 born-again Christians don’t believe in moral absolutes, while only 10 percent base their moral decision-making on principles taught in the Bible. 59 percent of Christians believe that Satan isn’t an actual being but simply a symbol of evil, […]

Loving Your Neighbor

The Dangerous Act of Loving Your Neighbor: Seeing Others Through the Eyes of Jesus – Mark Labberton. IVP Books. If “the only thing necessary for evil to prevail is for good [people] to do nothing” (Edmund Burke), what better way of doing nothing than to live in our invisibly socialized deception that injustice is their […]

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