A Word to Fathers

A few weeks ago, a scene played out at the car wash that reminded me of the awesome responsibility I have as a father. My son, Seth, tagged along with me to the car wash, and he watched intently as I placed a dollar bill into the change machine. No one was more surprised than […]

America Needs a Prophet (Part 2)

The prophet is the product of no school. The gift is conferred by no presbytery, and no synod of church dignitaries can unfrock him. His credentials come from a higher court and bear no stamp or seal of mortal man. To God he stands or falls. If he disobeys orders, as one of his kind […]

Psalms 1-2

Preface to God’s Hymnal – Psalm 1 Have you ever read the preface to the hymnal used in your church? Very few people ever do. All we’re concerned about is singing the songs. The preface to God’s hymnal (the Book of Psalms) is Psalm 1. It begins with a word we use so often—blessed. God […]

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