So What Does the Bible Really Mean?

Search the Internet on any topic: abortion, homosexuality, election, security, capital punishment or whatever, and what will you find? Your search engine will likely produce a hundred different web pages with half as many positions — all claiming they are “Bible based” or growing from “Biblical Christian Assumptions.” Are they? How can the same Scriptures […]

Dealing With Suffering, Part 2

Dealing With Suffering, Setbacks, Satanic Attacks And A Sovereign God – Part 2 Lessons We Can’t Miss From vs. 20-22 It’s Okay to CrySwindoll, “I am disappointed that someone, somewhere…introduced the ridiculous idea that if you know the Lord, you don’t grieve. That even if you lose something or someone significant, you shouldn’t weep. Granted, […]

Answering Some Questions About Worship 2

8. Is there any place for humor in a service of worship? Sometimes you cannot help it! A worship leader with a good sense of humor can deal with awkward or embarrassing situations without destroying the atmosphere of the service. However, I would vote against forced or contrived humor that can only call attention to […]

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