How to Become a Writer

People often ask me how to become a writer. I don’t know. I do know is how I became one. So, this is my story peppered throughout with my advice If you really are serious about becoming a writer this “emerging story” addresses the questions people often ask who seek to get published. It does […]

Migration Fever

written by: Keith Drury In the Spring a young pastor’s fancy turns to… to… MOVING. Older men too, and women! Maybe it’s the Canada Geese. Entire flocks fly overhead honking jubilantly as they head for happier locations. They leave us behind, stuck with the same old folk, church, and parsonage. Then, fellow pastors begin chattering […]

How To Leave a Church When They Fire You

written by: Keith Drury Ministers get fired. We don’t like to tell this to young people preparing for the ministry, but it happens. It may not ever happen to you—but it does happen. If you do get fired, this essay is to help you through that difficult time. How it happens Actually ministers seldom get […]

Look Over Keith Drury’s Shoulder as He Answers His Mail

written by: Keith Drury QUESTION: I am frustrated with the traditional service at my church. It is filled with people in their 50’s and 60’s and the service is dead and there is little response. When I go from that service to our more contemporary service it is like leaving a funeral home and entering […]

Kinds of Worship Services

written by: Keith Drury Your piece on 50’s-60’s worshippers was superb! However in most of your writing about worship styles you show strong bias toward change, the unchurched and the next generation. I fact all over the web I can find a ton of writing on emerging worship but very little on any other style. […]

Staying on the Cutting Edge

written by: Keith Drury 7 REASONS LEADERS FALL OFF THE CUTTING EDGE Why is it that some leaders reach a zenith then plateau or enter a period of decline, while others continue to grow and expand, staying ahead of the pack even into old age? It is true of leaders today, but it has been […]

Read My Mail

written by: Keith Drury (Look over Keith Drury’s Shoulder as he answers his mail) I read your explanation of TULIP in the article Triumph of Arminianism and can’t believe how you Wesleyan-types ignore the plain teaching of Scripture. What are your verses for the Arminian position? I find none. I challenge you to list your […]

Making Family Traditions

Christians have done an admirable job of cooperative training of our children. We have banded together to organize Sunday schools, Vacation Bible Schools, midweek clubs, membership classes, camps, and Bible clubs. However, in our keenness to adopt the schooling model for Christian education, we often overlook the great value of non-formal means of passing on […]

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