What’s a Preacher to Do?

What should a preacher be known for? What is the purpose of preaching? In a day with multi-media special effects, drama and major productions, preaching and preachers have fallen on hard times. Many churches have canceled Sunday evening services because people won’t come back to hear the preacher. With the glut of TV preachers, the […]

Preaching: A Point of Reference (Part 2)

I’ve known preachers who preached on tithing and didn’t tithe. Or they interpreted tithing as 10% after you’ve paid all the bills, taken the kids to Disney, and bought a new car. Their preaching on tithing is watered down and non-confrontational, lest someone challenge them on their interpretation. Early on in my ministry here, I […]

Preaching: A Point of Reference (Part 1)

On what basis do you preach? Why preach at all? What’s the goal? The purpose? I know, we’ve all got our stock seminary answers, but when it’s just you – alone with your Heavenly Father – why do you preach? When we one day stand before God and He judges our works, what will our […]

Posting More Than You’re Living

In this age of social media it’s easy to post a quote, retweet a thought, or put something on Facebook. Point, click, copy…it’s easy, right? But easy doesn’t mean it’s true – for us. I know I’m guilty. I’ve preached sermons through the years, and I wasn’t living them out in my own life. It’s […]

When Your Children Challenge and Stretch You

Our youngest daughter, Hayley, is currently serving with the International Mission Board in South Africa. As she’s been on this faith venture, it’s reminded me that it is easier to talk about missions than to do missions. When it hits home, when it is someone you love, it’s different. When you are a 16-hour flight […]


It amazes me the misconceptions some have concerning ministry. One student walked into my office at Roswell Street and said, “It must be nice to get paid to study the Bible.” Since then, he has entered the ministry. He has now discovered that ministry is a multi-faceted, high and holy calling that demands everything a […]

Reflections on ReFRESH

We have just returned from a trip that covered nearly 1,900 miles on the bus—plus airplanes, multiple hotels, and a lot of eating out! We’ve finished our winter/spring ReFRESH® Conferences in Branson and Pigeon Forge. There were nearly 1,200 pastors, wives, and lay leaders who attended these two meetings. God was all over the meetings […]

What They Didn’t Teach You in Seminary

Recently, one of our staff passed along a blog written by Dr. James Emery White. As I read it, I thought back to times in my own life. I also reflected on what needs to happen if this next generation is to be effective and efficient in ministry. Dr. White addresses the traps we can […]

This Place Called Home

Albany, Georgia, is known for many things. At times, those have been good and positive. At other times, we’ve been in the spotlight because of the negative. On the positive, we are home to a great Marine Corps Logistics Base. We are home to several major companies. We are the home of Patti LaBelle, Ray […]

The Danger of Mixing Truth and Error

Satan is always looking for ways to trap, confuse, or dilute believers. If he can find a crack in the door, he will make every effort to mix truth and error, all the while saying, “Just be open minded.” Satan does far greater damage as the angel of light than as a roaring lion. The […]

Leaders Aren’t Afraid of Change (Part 2)

We should pray for men who fear God more than man. We should seek to be leaders who aren’t afraid of change. The Pharisees were stuck because they refused to change. In the end, all they held sacred—the Temple, the Sabbath, the rules, the rituals—were all laid aside. They died for the wrong things. They […]

Leaders Aren’t Afraid of Change (Part 1)

As I read the book of Acts, I see the lives of great leaders. I’ve just completed a series entitled WORLDCHANGERS where I singled out six great leaders in the Book of Acts. They were worldchangers because they seemed to always look for opportunities, despite opposition. Peter overcame the fear and failure of past mistakes […]

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